Educational construction of senses

Simone Maranhão Costa,
Kleber Aparecido da Silva


In the light of Critical Applied Linguistics (PENNYCOOK, 2001), this bibliographical, documentary, and field research presents some reflections on the Brazilian National Common Core Curriculum - BNCC (BRASIL, 2018), especially in its English Language component and its convergences with the macro project of internationalization of basic education. It considers the landmark constructs in the document for teaching English, especially English as a Lingua Franca (ELF) (JORDÃO, 2014; DUBOC, 2019; DUBOC; SIQUEIRA, 2020). It used a semi-structured and recorded interview with two English teachers from a Federal Institute of Education in northeast Brazil for data collection to identify, interrogate and interrupt (MENEZES DE SOUZA, MARTINEZ; FIGUEIREDO; 2019) any possible excluding educational practices. Such teachers were invited to answer three questions related to the research topics and to report a short didactic sequence based on the idea of ELF. Results indicated that, although collaborating professors already have some prior knowledge about lingua franca, they find it challenging to articulate the political, historical, and socioeconomic complexities presented in the base document to critical and emancipatory language teaching. Such teachers perceive recent advances related to didactic materials and developing an educational environment focusing on intercultural awareness, the appreciation of the English language, and the internationalization process of K-12 education. However, English language teaching often reproduces colonial practices in the classroom.


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