The influence of the point of articulation on catalan vowels

Agnès Rius-Escudé,
Dolors Font-Rotchés


Several studies suggest that the influence of the adjacent consonant context is one of the factors that modifies the acoustic features and pronunciation of vowel sounds. To verify this in a corpus of Catalan spontaneous speech, we have analysed 1590 vowels, produced by 67 speakers, and assessed whether the articulation point of the prior and posterior adjacent sound has an effect on these vowels to be able to apply the results to the teaching-learning of the language. The acoustic values of F1 and F2 were extracted from all the vowel sounds in Praat and the values were relativised using the speaker-intrinsic standardisation procedure S-centroid (Watt & Fabricius, 2002). We then analysed the ANOVA test and made post hoc comparisons using the Bonferroni method. The results obtained show that the articulation point of the prior and posterior adjacent sound creates little acoustic change in vowel sounds, although they were predictable in view of the variability of spontaneous speech; that the /ɛ/ phoneme presents the most variability, /i/, /a/, /ᴐ/ and /u/ less and /e/, /o/ and /ǝ/ are unaffected by the phenomenon; and, finally, that the bilabial context, which leads to a fall in the vowel’s F2, has the most influence. We can therefore confirm that to teach-learn Catalan vowel sounds, the point of articulation of adjacent sounds is a factor that causes few variations in the pronunciation of the vowels and that it does not have much scope in the development of didactic activities.



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