Language impairment of tense and aspect in the healthy aging: preliminary theoretical and methodological considerations
In the healthy aging process, language skills at different levels can be affected. However, whether problems of syntactic nature can occur in this population is debated. Furthermore, it is not known whether the linguistic deficits presented by healthy elderly people are due to an impairment in the essentially linguistic mental module or in other cognitive modules. Therefore, this work intended to verify whether the syntactic categories of tense and aspect could be impaired in the knowledge of healthy elderly native speakers of Brazilian Portuguese. We also sought to find out which method of data analysis seemed more suitable for the study of language expression in healthy aging – the undertaking of a group or case methodology. Therefore, the elderly adults selected performed two cognitive assessment tasks and a linguistic task. The results seem to indicate that healthy elderly subjects can present linguistic alterations with the syntactic categories of tense and aspect resulting from an impairment in the essentially linguistic module. It was argued that the case methodology was more suitable for the investigation of the language impairment in the population included in this pilot study.
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