Tipologia e marcação das obstruintes latinas, com foco especial no vozeamento

Paulo Chagas de Souza,
Bruno Pinto Silva


Examining classical Latin obstruents from a typological stand, and also taking into account the phonetic factors which explain what is common and what is rare reveals us that the Latin obstruent inventory had quite common characteristics typologically. The inventory of stops and fricatives contains some of most common obstruents crosslinguistically. Their properties in what regards voicing and the contexts in which it is neutralized are based on phonetic properties. Fricatives are only voiceless. That is in accordance with the typological tendency for more rarity of voicing among fricatives, inasmuch as two thirds of the languages exhibit voicing contrast among stops, but only one third exhibits that contrast among fricatives. The contexts in which the voicing contrast is partially or totally neutralized are phonetically grounded. Two of those contexts are examined in the present article: gemination and word-final positions. 


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