Performações narrativas de mulheres pobres beneficiárias de programas de transferência de renda e as raízes do Brasil
Based on the theoretical framework offered by Narrative Analysis, this work seeks to analyze and describe narratives arising from interviews generated by one of the author researchers with poor black women, assisted by cash transfer programs, specifically observing the ways and in which these women perform , organize and interpret discursively their conditions as beneficiaries of a social assistance program, establishing relationships with the macro-social context. Using the qualitative interview as a research tool, the results pointed to a wide use of “brief narratives” (cf. BAMBERG and GEORGAKOPOULOU, 2008), which specifically fulfilled the rhetorical function of supporting a certain argumentative point (especially the one according to which the benefit constitutes a “valuable help”). Considering the “code of honor of 'giving' and 'receiving'” (SARTI, 2011), which overlaps, in the terms of Sarti (2011), the understanding of universal citizenship rights - a structural feature of the Brazilian historical formation - It is established, in the interviews analyzed, by the interviewees, a universe of moral obligations centered on the understanding of the social benefit as a complement to the value of work (help), in the absence of all resources for survival, evoking the great system of consistency guided by the Catholic virtue of charity. It is precisely from this moral code that the personalization of social relations observed in this research derives, echoing the results of studies undertaken by Freyre (1980), Holanda (2007) and Da Matta (1986) that point to the elaboration of a social universe in the Brazil where capitalist relations intersect with slavery and clientelist traits.
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