The language in which we speak and which we speak of: an analysis of some meanings of language in LinkedIn posts

Robert Moura Sena Gomes


Over the centuries, people have created knowledge about different aspects of their lives, from survival and lifestyle, to more abstract knowledge. Language, in turn, constitutes not only the character of assisting in the production of this knowledge, but also becomes the object of this production. Nowadays, social networks work not only as a digital space for interaction, but also as a space for the production of knowledge and knowledge about the Language, as well as a space for the perpetuation of certain knowledge at the expense of others. This article analyzed the meanings of language in publications on the social network Linkedin so that we could observe how people in this network produce senses and meanings about language in a social network focused on the workplace. We base ourselves on Popular Linguistics, according to which all popular knowledge must be observed and integrated into linguistic analyses, no longer in an eliminatory nature, but based on an integrationist view. Thus, it was also possible to identify a sense of language strongly linked to normative grammar, a view that highlights language according to grammatical norms and leaves other variants aside. Furthermore, one of the senses of language observed was that of language as an important aspect for accessibility in the work environment.

Full-text of the article is available for this locale: Português (Brasil).


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