Management and practices in academic summaries in the Nursing subdomain: towards the concept of Disciplinary Language Policy

Clara Regina,
Guilherme Moés,
Marcela de Melo Cordeiro Eulálio


In Applied Linguistics, the ​​Linguistic Policies and Planning area, especially the Language Management Theory, allows for the understanding that the subjects' linguistic choices are related to the domain in which they are inserted. In this sense, the academic context is a larger domain and its various disciplinary areas are subdomains, which materialize different top-down linguistic policies, for example, in scientific journals. From the guidelines that these present in the process of scientific publication, the question is: how are the linguistic policies declared and practiced in a scientific journal in the field of Nursing characterized? The objective is, in general, to analyze the linguistic policies in the management and practices of abstracts published in a journal in the field of Nursing. Specifically, it seeks to: 1) characterize the norms of scientific works as top-down linguistic policies of the Nursing subdomain, based on the selected journal, considering the disciplinary culture in which it operates; 2) describe the abstract writing practices of this journal; 3) compare the management of abstracts in this journal, in relation to the writing practices analyzed. It is based mainly on studies by Spolsky (2004; 2009; 2012) and Hyland (2008; 2012; 2014). Based on the interpretivist paradigm methodology (LIN, 2015), 10 abstracts from the Latin American Journal of Nursing are analyzed. The main result of this research is the proposal of the concept of Disciplinary Language Policies. The discussions woven evidence the constitution of academic literacy in these writing practices, as well as pointing to the possibility of different literacy activities being developed in Undergraduate courses, particularly in Nursing


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