Initial proceedings legal genre and its verbal/visual argumentation: methodological and theoretical challenges

Anderson Souza da Silva Lanzillo,
Rosalice Pinto


This paper, based on theoretical assumptions and analytical categories of Rhetoric, Social Semiotics, Textual Linguistics and Discourse Analysis, aims to study how the rhetorical verb visual argumentation is constructed in legal genres. In order to attain the objective, it was selected, from a corpus consisting of twenty reorganization bankruptcy fillings, the one related to the company Livraria Cultura as a prototypical example, for the purpose of the ongoing investigation. Preliminary studies allowed us to point out some analytical categories and show the relevance of the rhetorical-argumentative use of images - mainly of the Store, the Theater and graphics/tables -, for the construction of ethos (of the company) and pathos (of the judge). Evidently, this is a pilot study, needing to be tested on a larger corpus


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