Ethos in advertising discourse and discursive effects

Lucineide Matos Lopes,
Maria Margarete Fernandes de Sousa


This article aims to investigate the construction of the male ethos in advertising discourse based on the discursive effects they induce on the interlocutors. To carry out our study, we have as theoretical support the Semiolinguistic Discourse Analysis, a theory that considers the language subject to be made of discourse and social (CHARAUDEAU, 2010a). For the analysis, we controll the following categories: the subjects of the staging, the discursive and social identities, the generic configurations, following Charaudeau (2009; 2010a; 2010b). Regarding the methodology, we carried out an inductive research, of the analytical-discursive type, to analyze four perfume advertisements. With regard to the analysis, we used the following categories: the subjects of the staging, Charaudeau (2010a); discursive and social identities, Charaudeau (2009); generic configurations, Charaudeau (2010b). As a result, we found that the male ethos built in relation to the subjects of the staging and the discursive and social identities in perfume advertisements becomes allied to the appeal of consumption, a characteristic of the advertising discourse, its defined purpose that makes people hostage of the consumer society

Full-text of the article is available for this locale: Português (Brasil).


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