Rhetoric and Visual Argument: proposition of methodological models based on the analysis of infographics

Vanesca Carvalho Leal


This study proposes analytic models for multimodal genres, specifically for the infographic, based on a finished master’s research and in light of a brief literature review regarding multimodal argumentation. This study is justified by the fact that visual rhetoric is a relatively new field of investigation which still needs analytic proposals that promote the increase of studies in the area. This work, of a descriptive and qualitative nature, is grounded in theories and methodologies of the visual field (BLAIR, 2008; KJELDSEN, 2012; 2015; MATEUS, 2016; 2018; ROQUE, 2012; 2016; TSERONIS; FORCEVILLE, 2017; GONÇALVES-SEGUNDO, 2021; LEAL, 2021), and the gathering of data was based on Google Scholar through software Harzing’s Publish or Perish. The results show that, even though the procedures have been developed for the analysis of infographics, the analytic method may collaborate with the growing studies in multimodal argumentation and may be applied to other genres circulating in society


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