Perceptions of writers about academic literacies in the writing practice of collaborative reviews

Franciclé Fortaleza Bento,
Júlio Araújo


This article aims at investigating the perception of writers about academic literacies evidenced during the writing of collaborative academic reviews on the wiki platform based on some of its unfoldings: disciplinary literacies and argumentative literacies. It is a descriptive research method carried out with 17 undergraduate students in English language that highlights the speeches of the participants about the skills of apprehending the review genre, taking into account the disciplinary culture in which it is inserted and the argumentation to write this genre. The theoretical framework of the research includes academic literacies (KIILI; MÄKINEN; COIRO, 2013), disciplinary literacies (SHANAHAN; SHANAHAN, 2008; 2012; MCCONACHIE, 2010) and argumentative literacies (ANDREWS, 2010). The results indicate that the disciplinary literacies enabled students to understand the structure of the review genre, which includes the notion of its rhetorical moves and its communicative purpose. In addition to this, the argumentative literacies required students to take a critical stance to evaluate the reviewed texts.


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