Amélia Mingas' contribution to an Angolan linguistic history: initial contextualizations

Eduardo Ferreira dos Santos


This article aims to contextualize and analyze the production of angolan linguist Amélia Mingas (1940-2019), specifically her work Interference of kimbundu in portuguese spoken in Lwanda – 2000 (1988). From this work, we intend to point out its contribution in the delimitation of a subequatorial and decolonized transatlantic linguistic history, in the terms of Negrão (2020) and Coelho; Finbow (2020), thus contemplating ecologies that are still underprivileged in mostly eurocentric approaches. Using the theoretical-methodological assumptions of Linguistic Historiography, a discipline responsible for the description, analysis and interpretation of knowledge about languages ​​and language, produced by different agents and at different time intervals (BATISTA, 2019, p.9), we seek to highlight the context in which Mingas' work was produced, that is, the climate of opinion that permeated the development of the work in question. Thus, we used the reflections of Swiggers (2013) on the conceptual instruments of Linguistic Historiography, as well as the principle of contextualization by Koerner (1996, 2014) to reach our goal


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