The (de)contruction of representations in the formative trajectory of professors from Biological Sciences about academic literacies
The Integrated Laboratory of Scientific-Academic Literacies (LILA) goals include supporting teachers and students, from different disciplinary cultures, in their text comprehension and production of academic genres. In this process, several aspects of the pedagogical actions offered by the laboratory are evaluated, in a cyclical movement, in which researchers dedicate themselves to the construction of knowledge about the contribution of pedagogical experiences. In this context, we aim at describing and evaluating the three most important phases of the formative trajectory offered to the professors from two courses in Biological Sciences and investigating the (de)construction of representations about academic literacies, considering their disciplinary cultures and contextual specificities. Our research data are composed by the document exposing the planning and the answers of the respondents of the questionnaires applied in the beginning and end of the formative trajectory offered by LILA to these professionals. The participants were involved in the construction of rubrics, tools used in the evaluation of texts belonging to recurrent genres in the Biology Course. The procedures of analysis involve document analysis, the identification of the movements of thematic organization through the recognition of segments of thematic orientation (SOT), and segments of thematic treatment (STT), proposed by Buela (2010), and provisional coding, by Saldaña (2009). The results indicate evidence of the (de)construction of professors´representations on reading and writing texts belonging to genres of the academic sphere in their area of knowledge and the type of formation offered may contribute to the pedagogical work with writing by these professionals
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