Folk Linguistics and Linguistic Historiography
This essay is inserted in the area of investigation of the so-called “ecolinguistic studies” (SWIGGERS, 2013, p.47), that is, studies “that concern the intertwining between users' conceptions and linguists' conceptions”. Thus, we intend to evaluate the statements (and why not types of discourses?) that were made about Folk Linguistics in the academic environment - how they were constituted textually over time and in different geographies - while reflecting on their constitution as a linguistic fact, especially if we look at the manifestations of non-specialists in matters of language and language. Our primary objects (texts on Folk Linguistics) are analyzed through their insertion in a broader circuit of Linguistics, considering their position in current studies in light of the horizon of retrospection itself (AUROUX, 1992) which leads us, for example, to the text from Bloomfield, 1944, when referring to secondary and tertiary language data. Finally, especially thinking about more recent publications in this field of studies, we intend to verify or indicate trends and research horizons in this field of studies in Brazil.
Full-text of the article is available for this locale: Português (Brasil).
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