The influence of kinesic elements on the political debate genre: aspects of multimodality in argumentation

Elaine Cristina Forte-Ferreira,
Juliana Gurgel Soares,
Vicente Lima-Neto


Throughout human history, orality and its elements have a fundamental character in political achievements around the world. Based on an analysis of the interface between Social Semiotics (KRESS, 2010), Conversation Analysis (MARCUSCHI, 2007) and New Rhetoric (PERELMAN; OLBRECHTS-TYTECA, 2005), we aim to discuss how semiotic resources linked to orality, specifically the kinesic elements, are essential for argumentation and its purposes in political debate, with the aim of persuading a specific audience. To serve the purpose, we developed this analytical exercise in a corpus of a one debate from the second round of the Brazilian elections for the Presidency of the Republic in 2014, televised by Rede Globo. About the methodological procedures, we analyzed the material and selected parts in which we verified how the presidential candidates used these semiotic resources of orality as a persuasive strategy. The results show that kinesic elements, such as body movements, facial expressions, gestures, looks and laughs play important argumentative functions, such as discrediting the opponent and the conviction of points of view defenses, in search for votes.


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