The digital argumentative ecology: Possibilities and perspectives to an analysis of a multimodal argumentation

Rodrigo Seixas


The aim of this article is to present perspectives for the study of digital argumentation, that is, some possibilities to think about it, taking advantage of some rhetorical-discursive analysis devices, such as doxa, in its relationship with (techno)discursive memory and the interdiscourse, and, at the same time, reconfiguring them due to the specificities imposed by the digital space (Web 2.0). Given the profusion of multimodal texts typical of social networks, we will shed some light for the analysis of digital native texts, composed of some Instagram publications, gathered under the tags #forabolsonaro and #impeachmentbolsonaro, in the context that involved, before and after, the September 7th protests. We were specifically interested in the construction of the positions of the subjects, authors of (re)publications, from a perspective of rhetorical-discursive analysis that borrows some theoretical contributions from rhetorical-discursive approaches such as those of Angenot (2008), Meyer (2008) and Seixas (2019). We arrived at the considerations, from this undertaking, that is possible to carry out a rhetorical-discursive analysis in the digital space, drawing on elements of analysis already enshrined in rhetoric and discourse analysis, since that they are reconfigured and reconditioned to the specificities of the digital discourse, as defended by Paveau (2021)

Full-text of the article is available for this locale: Português (Brasil).


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