Instagram's argumentative frames: a descriptive-analytical multimodal interaction design

Ana Paula de Sousa Bacelar,
Rubens Damasceno-Morais


The analysis presented in this article seeks to examine online comments of the profile @escolasempartidoofficial in a theoretical and methodological plan that articulates Netnography principles to the theoretical apparatus of the dialogic model of argumentation. For the construction of Instagram's multimodal interaction designer, we combined theoretical contributions from Argumentation and Rhetorics (PLANTIN, 2002, 2005, 2008, 2009, 2011, 2016; GRACIO, 2013) to the specific literature of digital media (DIONÍSIO, 2011; ROJO , 2012; NEIVA, 2013; SLOAN; QUAN-HAASE, 2017; KOZINETS, 2014). We start from the idea that, on the Escola sem partido’s page, the professional identity of teachers is called into question when there is a clash of positions between teachers and the conception of « what means to be a teacher ». As we will show below, from this stasis, users (followers and non-followers) start to express their evaluations through platform-specific interaction icons and, mainly, through the comments that, in the aftermath of the discussion, found chains of interaction organized in argumentative frames.

Full-text of the article is available for this locale: Português (Brasil).


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