“In a state of memory”: the inscription of the trauma and the permanences of painful emotions in the work of the argentine writer Tununa Mercado

Fábio Ávila Arcanjo


This article aims to analyze the book In a state of memory – written by Tununa Mercado and published, for the first time, in 1990 –, whose focus is on the truncation of a memory crossed by the anguish of exile, which erupts in two movements: the exit of the homeland and the return, that brings as a consequence the disintegration of identity. The development of writing will be marked first by the notions of testimonial remembrance and trauma developed in Seligmann-Silva (2003) and Cangi (2003), besides the contributions of Kristeva (1994), who thinks the figure of the exiled as someone who sees himself constantly threatened and swallowed by memories of ephemeral happiness and disasters experienced. Secondly, the article will deal with the mobilization of emotions, problematized by Lima (2016), with special emphasis on the categories of melancholy and nostalgia, assuming that they are configured as prominent effects of meaning in the report of Tununa Mercado. It is observed that both the expulsion and the return are configured as traumatic events, which leave marks in the discursive materiality. For the book by Tununa Mercado, the reading gesture adopted is that such marks find resonance in the inscription of emotions, especially nostalgia and melancholy


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