Integration between different theoretical premises at the Grammatica Portugueza, by Júlio Ribeiro

Mairus Antonio Prete


The Grammatica Portugueza, by Júlio Ribeiro, is frequently cited by specialized literature as a work in which its author replaced and/or tried to replace the rationalist theoretical premise that language manifests thought by other premises arising from new currents of linguistic studies which have emerged in Europe, in the 19th century, called positivists. In this essay, the objective is to revisit this discussion with the purpose of proving the hypothesis that some constituent elements of the work of Júlio Ribeiro, such as the division of content, the definition of the classes of words and sentence, do not indicate the total or partial replacement of the rationalist premise by these so-called positivists, but the integration of these different theoretical premises into a uniform and coherent theorization. That assumption is based on the principle stipulated in Auroux (2006 and 2009) that knowledge accumulates over a long period of time and therefore innovations and transformations of knowledge are derived from the accumulation process, never from simple replacements of old theoretical premises for new ones

Full-text of the article is available for this locale: Português (Brasil).


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