Socio-discursive (self-)representations of immigrants and refugees in the context of “South-South migrations”

Bárbara Mano de Faria


This paper addresses socio-discursive representations of immigrants and refugees who move to Brazil in the context of the so-called “South-South migrations”. Seeking to analyze the socio-discursive representations that emerge in the media and compare them to the way in which immigrants and refugees represent their own life stories, we departed from the identification of the legal statute that represents these subjects in the documents that regulate migrations at national and international level. Then, we resorted to the French theory of Discourse Analysis (DA) and some related theories to (re)formulate the notions of social representations and of socio-discursive imaginaries, directing these notions to a reflection about media discourses, as well as the genre “life story”. Based on an “individualized device of analysis”, we conducted a discursive analysis of the texts of the corpus, composed by news articles from the reference press of Minas Gerais and by the life stories obtained in interviews with immigrants and refugees who live in the greater Belo Horizonte. We could thus confirm our initial hypotheses, for exemple, that there is an uneven distribution of speech spaces dealing with contemporary migrations and that immigrants and refugees do not feel, in most cases, represented by institutional/mediatic discourses. The results point to the need for the host society to restore to immigrants and refugees, as a right, their place to speak and represent themselves


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