Aspects of the disciplinary culture of Engineering: poliphony management and argumentative strategies in the construction of scientific articles

Ev'Ângela Batista Rodrigues de Barros


This article presents the analysis and results of an investigation about aspects of the “disciplinary culture” (HYLAND; JIANG, 2018) of Engineering, encompassing its four sub-areas. Sixteen high impact articles, from B1 Brazilian Journals were analyzed (Qualis Capes 2015/2016), all of them open access, accepted after peer review. All instances of references to previous works (self-citations) were identified and analyzed, as well as the insertions of other voices (polyphony management), considering each section of the article – introduction, theoretical framework, analysis, conclusion – in which they were located. From the 271 pages (1156 data collected), a portrait of construction expedientes in this area of the Hard Sciences emerges: predominance of evocations in all the constituent parts of the articles (but especially in the introduction and development sections); then, reformulations (as predicted by Boch; Grossmann, 2002). It is concluded that the projected interlocutive relationship aims at a target audience of experts, considering that evocations demand a greater action from the reader to apprehend the exposed contente. The prevalent language is English (only two articles – 12,5% - written in Portuguese), due to the demand for internationalization and for data capture by large repositories. In articles of this área, the predominant argumentative movement is to show and to prove; being usually short, what is not linguistically evidenced, it is through verbal and visual resources (supporting imagery genres, as graphs, diagrams, photos and schematics)


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