Spanish Discourse on Refugees

Teun A. van Dijk


In the summer and autumn of 2015 hundreds of thousands of refugees, mostly from Syria, arrived in Western Europe. With the slogan “Refugees Welcome”, they were welcomed and assisted by many volunteers at borders and train stations. After a review of the studies of this solidarity movement in Austria, German, the Scandinavian countries and the UK, and within a general project on social movement discourse, this paper examines parliamentary, municipal and movement discourses in Spain. After an analysis of a parliamentary debate urging the government to admit more refugees, the article analyzes texts of Amnesty International, the NGOs Refugees Welcome España, ACCEM and CEAR, the City of Barcelona ("City of Refuge") and the Catalan NGOs Casa Nostra Casa Vostra and Stop Mare Mortum. Among many other properties, all these texts show an ideological polarization between US (pro-refugee) and THEM (the EU and the State) at all levels of discourse (lexicon, metaphors, norms, values and arguments). The multidisciplinary theoretical framework of this analysis combines the study of discourse, social movements, politics, citizens, solidarity and empathy.

Full-text of the article is available for this locale: Português (Brasil).


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