Literacies and the dialogic discursive perspective: possibility of observing the history of literacies in written texts

Vanda Mari Trombetta


When conducting research in the area of literacies, one of the challenging issues is: how could the writer’s literacies be perceived in the text production? Specially for the Applied Linguistics, that question is an intriguing one since, although there is plenty of research in the area, only a few projects do not require interviews, as the theoretical and methodological approach comes from the ethnographic research. The dialogic discursive perspective is presented in this study with the purpose to ponder about another research method. Thus, a comparison between those perspectives is made, highlighting initially their characteristics and implications. Subsequently, I expatiate on the investigation of the data from a dialogic discursive perspective related to the history of literacies. The corpus under analysis is formed of 2 essays written during a Fuvest university entrance examination and the chosen method is based on the indiciary paradigm (GINZBURG, 1989) associated with Bakhtin’s and the Circle’s Discourse Analysis and with Literacy – or the Literacies – (KLEIMAN, 1995; 2007; SOARES 2005; STREET, 2003; 2012, 2014). The aim of this study is to search for signs of the history of the writer’s literacies in the construction of “work” as the object of discourse in the Fuvestessays. The results indicate that the dialogic discursive perspective, related to the history of the writer’s literacies, delineates a tendency for the analysis of literacies in essays.


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