Discursive Tradition, Philology and Historical-Diachronic Corpus: Requirements analysis of the 18th century
This text proposes a theoretical analysis and the historical and socio-cultural practices of writing, based on the Discursive Tradition model and on the philological-linguistic practice. Requirements on Bahia, produced in the 18th century, within the scope of Public Administration of the former Overseas Council, will be analyzed. Philology promotes the retrieval and reconfiguration of linguistic data in editions of eighteenth-century institutional texts, considering the modes of production of the agents of writing. When producing a legal-administrative text in Portuguese America, it was necessary for the clerk to know well the system of what we today call Discursive Tradition. In other words, it was necessary to know the ways of saying that govern the organization of this type of textual construction, marked by mandatory formulas and lexical units that are articulated in the text. Therefore, based on the Discursive Traditions model, certain regularities and linguistic variations can be noticed in this textual genre. In this way, the theoretical anchoring of this work is based on the studies of the Discursive Tradition model (COSERIU, 1979; SCHLIBEN-LANGE, 1993; SCHMIDT-RIESE, 2010; KABATEK, 2004; 2006; 2012) and Philology (CAMBRAIA, 2005; MARQUILHAS, 2000; GONÇALVES, 2017; 2018; 2019). Finally, the Requirements record information and requests, based on legal acts or jurisprudence, presenting themselves as relevant instruments in requesting petitions from the population to public authorities.
Full-text of the article is available for this locale: Português (Brasil).
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