The traditional forms of discourse in the 19th and 20th century: an analysis of the personal letters of Pernambuco

Elizabhett Christina Cavalcante da Costa,
Claudia Roberta Tavares Silva


This paper aims to analyze the different traditional forms of discourse in 80 personal letters (subgenres friend and family letters) of Pernambuco from 19th and 20th century. Thus, we intend to understand which compositional marks are present in the missives and how the recurring forms of speech contribute more or less to the emotional implications of the expressions and, consequently, if that brings us evidence about the degree of communicative proximity/distance. Therefore, we intend to observe the hierarchical or egalitarian relations that are in the linguistic forms in the missives of Pernambuco (BROWN; GILMAN, 1960). For this, we adopt the Discursive Traditions (TD) model (KOCH; OESTERREICHER; 2006; KABATEK, 2006), in order to understand which pragmatic-discursive brands are evoked in the personal letter of the subgenres: friend and family letters. The results show that the use of recurrent expressions of the personal letter are manifested in these subgenres and in two centuries. Futhermore, we obtained the result that the usage varies and is updated by the letter's writer and depends on who you are talking to, the goals of the letter and the asymmetry or symmetry of the relationship between the interlocutors.

Full-text of the article is available for this locale: Português (Brasil).


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