Cloze as an indicator of linguistic development and the emerging representation of Brazilian Portuguese

Lia Abrantes Antunes Soares


Studies analyzing the written production of deaf children and adults show evidence that compose our complex picture of ideas and hypotheses about the representation of the emerging BP in this population. Our investigations, based on socio-cognitive assumptions of Cognitive-Functional Linguistics (BYBEE, 2016; GOLDBERG, 2006; 2019; TOMASELLO, 2003), have indicated that the morphosyntactic component accumulates a large part of the divergences materialized in these learners' texts. Although divergences in the use of L2 are expected, it is noteworthy that there is little difference in the reorganization of linguistic knowledge that is expected to change, between children and adults, over years of schooling and contact with written BP. Research focused on production has received greater attention from studies in the areas of linguistics and education of the deaf. Reading skills, however, do not seem to receive the same attention. The question that arises is whether the reading activity would also be compromised by the divergent combinations of lexical and grammatical items, which seem to integrate the linguistic knowledge of these learners, judging by their written texts that show many morphosyntactic divergences that compromise the reader's understanding. The purpose of this article is to offer evidence on the linguistic development of deaf university students, which allows to characterize the cognitive representation of nominal constructions. As a result of the analysis of two instruments in an adapted Cloze format, applied to 24 participants, this article presents a typology of nominal schemes that seems to integrate a system of competitors (SOARES, 2018). We hope that our results can contribute to an acquisitional didactic for the deaf, with better use of written input.

Full-text of the article is available for this locale: Português (Brasil).


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