Uma análise do gênero denúncia à luz do paradigma das Tradições Discursivas

Ticiane Rodrigues


The present work aims to describe and analyze linguistic and discursive categories that point to re-elaboration traces in the introductory piece of the criminal proceedings registered in the state of Ceará in the 20th and 21st centuries. The research corpus consists of denunciations, an introductory part of the criminal proceedings, which are housed in the Public Archives of the State of Ceará (APEC). For the development of the analysis, the theoretical framework of the Discursive Traditions is used in order to observe the repetition of a text or textual forms that can be taken as discursive traditions to then describe significant features of the genre reworking. To better arrive at the results of the analysis, it was decided to apply some principles related to the compilation of corpora, for that, one of the computational analysis tools available is used, the concordant AntConc 3.4.3w. In this sense, the studies of Kabatek (2001, 2006), Koch (1997) and Koch and Oesterreicher (2007) serve as a theoretical basis. Making a cut of the theoretical-methodological proposal of Zavam (2009), this investigation focuses the analysis in a category that deals with the materiality of the linguistic and discursive elements used. The results achieved reveal that the complaint genre has in its composition traces of what is characterized as internal rework, which is a change that occurred within the genre itself. Such finding shows that between the two centuries analyzed, the gender shows signs of a possible reworking due to the requirements of its social practices, as is the case of the information obtained to compose the defendant's accusation and which are fundamental for the initiation of the complaint.

Full-text of the article is available for this locale: Português (Brasil).


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