Quarup: funeral to bury fascist discourse alive
The object of analysis of this article is the speech given by the current president of Brazil at the 75th edition of the General Assembly of United Nations Organizations (UN), on September 22, 2020. I am interested in the explicit presidential will to establish a truth about the Amazonia and the Pantanal, putting into dispute what must be called "information" or "disinformation". In this case, the existence or not of burning in the forests is at stake, the occurrence or not of destruction of the environment, and, consequently, the environmental policy in progress, the legislation of crimes against nature in application. The most general objective of this investigation is to make, as proposed by M. Foucault, a diagnosis of the present time - here, more exactly of Brazil now. As specific objectives, I wanted to observe the conditions that allow the production of a lying speech by the largest representative of the Executive Branch of a country in front of other equally representative leaders. For such an examination, I use the “toolbox” proposed by Foucault as a method of discourse analysis not only of the contemporary Brazilian political scene, but of this one in the international scene. As a result of the analysis I see the formation of a fascist warlike discourse. Finally I conclude by calling for a good utopia, believing that there may be resistance in and by discourse.
Full-text of the article is available for this locale: Português (Brasil).
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