Portuguese as an additional language: guidelines to bilingual children in Brazil

Evellyn Gasparello,
Jeniffer Imaregna Alcantara de Albuquerque


This work is part of the research agenda on the growth of migratory flows of foreigners in Brazil and their migration and learning processes of Brazilian Portuguese as an Additional Language. Foreign families arrive in Brazil and, in addition to adapting to the new social context, they need to establish themselves in several aspects, one of which is to guarantee the continuity of their children's education. Due to the scarcity of teaching materials to evaluate the linguistic development of bilingual migrant children, the present work aims at presenting and describing the process of an evaluation guide developed for this target audience. The motivation occurred after an interview with three mothers of different countries about their considerations regarding their children's entry into the Brazilian's schools. In order to achieve the objective, we based our tutorial’s guidelines in evaluation materials in the bilingual context. Afterwards, we used the guide developed by McLaughlin et al (1995) to build up a Portuguese version of the guidelines for the assessment of bilingual children. In this adaptation, the social context of Brazilian institutions was considered, so that the tutorial was appropriate to this reality. As a result, a practical tutorial was obtained to assess the language development of bilingual foreign children in Brazil. The tutorial consists of five steps to be followed by school evaluators and it proposes, at the end, strategic measures to assist in the development of languages, both of the mother tongue and the additional language, for these children.

Full-text of the article is available for this locale: Português (Brasil).


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