Translation of metaphorical phraseologies: theoretical and methodological contributions of corpus linguistics

Jean Michel Pimentel Rocha,
Vander Viana,
Adriane Orenha-Ottaiano


This paper aims at presenting and discussing the theoretical and methodological contributions of Corpus Linguistics to the analysis of metaphorical phraseologies translated from Portuguese to English by Brazilian university students. The paper first discusses the synergies among metaphor, corpus and translation studies, which have afforded new vistas to linguistic studies. It then details the methodological proposal suggested here, which is based on the statistical co-occurrence of lexical units and their respective co-texts. The analysis differentiates lexical sequences from phraseologies and metaphorical uses from non-metaphorical ones. This way, it is possible to identify whether or not university students’ proposed translations are conventional in the English language. For the sake of illustration, the paper presents and discusses the analyses of metaphorical phraseologies which have as underlying conceptual metaphors the body is a container, means are paths to a purpose, giving up is jumping from a ship and terrorism is a natural phenomenon. The results support the feasibility of the suggested methodological proposal and indicate its numerous analytical advantages.

Full-text of the article is available for this locale: Português (Brasil).


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