The genitalia of grammar

Danniel da Silva Carvalho


Gender as a grammatical category, according to an European tradition, can say a lot about what one has been led to understand about grammar. It transparently illustrates the bias in its historical and institutional constructions. This paper aims to promote a reflection on the anthropomorphizing role of certain grammatical categories, such as gender, and their consequences in the institution of a vernacular. More specifically, I discuss how the definition of gender as a Greek-based grammatical category creates strings in the classification of names in relation to their different referents. Finally, I discuss some pragmatic and political gender roles, based on data that involve forms of treatment (either pronominal or nominal), sometimes referential expressions, from languages ​​such as Japanese, Igbo and Brazilian Portuguese, which go beyond traditional grammatical boundaries, but making use of its structure, respecting it, being, therefore, also grammatical attitudes. In this provocation, I take a critical and queer stance on the gender category, highlighting a difference that does not want to be assimilated or tolerated in the grammatical discussion.

Full-text of the article is available for this locale: Português (Brasil).


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