The struggle for saying “impeachment” and “coup” in the media narrative on Dilma Rousseff´s impediment

Maria Alcione Gonçalves da Costa


The president Dilma Rousseff’s impeachment process has been one of the most emblematic and unsettling historic events in Brazilian recent political history, what has generated a fierce dispute both for power and for having a voice. Based on this discursive confrontation, the main goal of this study is to analyze the ways the sense effects about this historic event in the texts published on websites by O Globo newspaper, Veja and Carta Capital magazines, observing the discursive functioning that has produced the senses of legality (paraphrastic effect) and the senses of coup (metaphoric effect) for the impeachment word. For that, this analysis is based on Pecheuxian Discourse Analysis, out of wich we developed our plausible interpretation about the functioning of the discursive memory in the media narrative. It concludes that the media narrative produced about this 2016 event was determined by a power game that institutionalized the discourse of legality. Such discourse was mainly elaborated with discursive paraphrases, which refreshed the knowledge of the discursive formation about the impeachment. This discourse has been fixed in Brazilian social imaginary, especially after Collor’s impeachment process. In turn, the media narrative about the coup was mainly elaborated with metaphoric effects that promoted a split in the senses of the significant “impeachment”, which, in the middle of the power game, was gradually disconnected from the sense of legality and it has worked as a paraphrase of coup.

Full-text of the article is available for this locale: Português (Brasil).


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