Oral ability components: an analysis of analytic item indexes at Celpe-Bras exam

Laura Marcia Luiza Ferreira


Large scale tests are frequently under a challenge as they have to inform what is being tested and also argue about their social accountability. In this paper, I discuss how the oral ability components are being evaluated by the rater avaliador-observador at the Celpe-bras exam. The analytic rubric was combined by the following features or items: comprehension, interactional competence, fluency, lexical adequacy, grammatical adequacy and pronunciation. The aim of this paper is to study the items properties in line with the rubrics descriptions and tasks. The analyses of the item difficulty index and the item discrimination index were made in the light of Bachman’s (1990) model of communicative language ability and was calculated using Rasch’s Partial Credit Model. One-thousand examinees’ scores were analyzed from the first oral exam edition of 2016. Item analysis endorses the idea that tasks influence the way components interact. By analyzing the items indexes, I argue that linguistic competence is more important to place examinees at the higher proficiency bands compared to the strategic competence related items. I also discuss that comprehension may be a requirement for the examinee to develop oral performance at the Celpe-Bras oral exam.

Full-text of the article is available for this locale: Português (Brasil).


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