Literacy and proficiency: how to walk the path, considering theories and practices in plural

Sintia Bausen Kuster


This review has as main focus to discuss the desired literacy and proficiency process in Linguistic Sciences. It involves the discussion of theories and practices related to this process, emphasizing the much-questioned method to be used in this journey. It highlights the comparison of the theme today and the challenges of Brazilian public education in the face of failure in literacy and literacy, a fact that is still confirmed repeatedly in tests evaluated in large-scale tests. These results show that the vast majority of Brazilian students still have low levels of reading, comprehension and interpretation, which shows deficiencies related to reading and writing skills. This fact stems mainly from the concern of the teacher (s) in teaching the alphabetical writing system, when it is necessary to guide the learning process and the ability to use alphabetical writing for reading and writing. Therefore, the origin of the problem is linked to the beginning of teaching and learning the written language processes, which form the basis of the students’ reading and writing texts.

Full-text of the article is available for this locale: Português (Brasil).


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