Language and university: dialogues for life

Jennifer de Araújo Rosa


The aim of this text is to review the conference Language and University as a way of life, delivered by João Carlos Salles, professor at the Philosophy Department at Universidade Federal da Bahia (UFBA). In view of the fragile context of Brazilian universities, Salles develops considerations on the role of this sphere, unique in society. By questioning the reasons why this institution bothers certain sectors, the presentation highlights some of the adversities found in the current context. Although these are not few, for instance, the way how professors are seen as generic actors, budget cuts and deficits in representation and representativeness, Salles indicates that the university has an intrinsic capacity for resistance and dialogue. Therefore, when what is considered is beyond the local sphere, the University becomes not only a way of life, but a source of dialogue and acceptance.

Full-text of the article is available for this locale: Português (Brasil).


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LINGUAGEM e Universidade como forma de vida. Conferência apresentada por João Carlos Salles [s.l, s.n], 2020.1 vídeo (1h 22min 50s). Publicado pelo canal da Associação Brasileira de Linguística. Disponível em: Aces-so em: 29 jul. 2020.