Phonology in different perspectives: Generative Models, Prosodic Phonology and Exemplar Model

Isabela Prisco Petry,
Pedro Eugênio Gaggiola


This review is based on the roundtable conference promoted by professors Carmen Matzenauer, Luciani Tenani and Christina Abreu Gomes and coordinated by professor José Magalhães, aiming to discuss various perspectives in the field of phonology, in honor of the outstanding linguist Leda Bisol. A lecture given by Carmen Matzenauer on Generative Phonology and its main assumptions (e.g. levels of representation, rules and features) initiates the roundtable conference, in which she presents language acquisition data and discusses some ramifications of Generative Phonology, specifically Nonlinear Phonology. Furthermore, Luciani Tenani presents interesting examples concerning vocalic sandhi in Brazilian Portuguese based on assumptions derived from Prosodic Phonology located in the domains of Generative Phonology. Eventually, Christina Abreu Gomes discusses Exemplar-based models applied to phonological theory, referencing the continuity between lexicon and grammar proposed by these models as well as presenting effects of type and token frequencies in the use of language.

Full-text of the article is available for this locale: Português (Brasil).


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