The use of plays in the socio-historical analysis of Brazilian Portuguese

Milena Aparecida Almeida,
Leticia Gaspar Pinto


In this roundtable, from the theoretical assumptions of Historical Sociolinguistics, the challenges encountered by researchers in this study area were discussed. One of these challenges refers to the materials used as a source of analysis, since they are predominantly written and fragmented. In order to solve these obstacles, the debaters pointed out different paths, such as the use of certain textual genres to carry out historical investigations. In this review, we gave a greater focus to the proposal to use plays and how they can be a solution to the challenges of Historical Sociolinguistics. Thus, our discussion will be based mainly on three issues raised by Berlinck: (i) the nature of the texts that can be considered in the research; (ii) the ways of understanding the socio-historical context of the production of these texts and (iii) the differences that may result from the study of linguistic phenomena in texts of different natures.

Full-text of the article is available for this locale: Português (Brasil).


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