The articulation between science, society and citizenship in the teaching of grammar

Isabella Vilela Reis,
Giovana Alves de Oliveira


In this text, we write about the conference Grammar teaching in three axes: a question of science, which is part of the Abralin ao vivo event – online linguists, moderated by Isabel Monguilhott and debated by Silva Rodrigues Vieira, at on July 16th, 2020. In his speech, Vieira proposes, based on the analysis of pedagogical practice and Brazilians documents related to education, a methodology for teaching grammar in three axes that, equally, consider reflexive activity, the production of meaning and linguistic variety. This way, the objective of the conference is to expose, through research already carried out based on the axes and reflections on the problems that involve both teaching and the study of grammar as science, a new vision, which must consider different theoretical axes of study about methodologies of teaching and research in grammar.

Full-text of the article is available for this locale: Português (Brasil).


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