The importance of academy, school and teachers for the consolidation of grammar teaching in three axes

Marcus Vinicius Souza de Oliveira


This text intends to review the conference Grammar teaching in three axes: a question of science, citizenship and linguistic respect given by Professor Silvia Rodrigues Vieira in the Abralin series live on July 16, 2020. In this presentation, the teacher highlights how the experimental proposal of grammar teaching in three axes is related to the development of scientific thinking, the promotion of citizenship and linguistic respect. According to the proposal, Axis 1 presupposes an intelligent work of grammatical systematization, describing language based on the systematic character of constructions. Axis 2 recognizes grammatical elements as materials that produce meaning, allowing to reaffirm the desirable articulation between the teaching of grammar and the activities of reading and producing texts. Axis 3, on the other hand, provides reflections on the structures that the student does not know - as they do not belong to the variety he dominates.

Full-text of the article is available for this locale: Português (Brasil).


ENSINO de gramática em três eixos: uma questão de ciência, cidadania e respeito linguís-tico por Silvia Vieira Rodrigues [s.l., s.n], 2020. 1 vídeo (2h 02min 45 s). Publicado pelo canal da Associação Brasileira de Linguística. Disponível em <> Acesso em: 16 jul 2020.