Discovering language: the relationship between speech and writing in the process of language acquisition.

Willamy Matos dos Santos


The Brazilian Linguistics Association (ABRALIN) promoted a series of on-line roundtables during the pandemic time in 2020. The aim of this paper is to present a review of the Children and the use of language: speech, writing and its relation to language acquisition roundtable, which emphasized the use of language by children as speakers and writers. Initially, Professor Lourenço Chacon presented unconventional data on children's writing in order to observe the relationships between speech/orality and writing/literacy. Then, Professor Marlete Diedrich explored language acquisition as an experience of meaning from an enunciative perspective, based on the postulates of Benveniste (2005). Finally, Professor Gabriela Maria de Oliveira-Codinhoto presented a functionalist proposal for children's texts with an emphasis on the frequency of use of relative clauses in textual productions.

Full-text of the article is available for this locale: Português (Brasil).


A criança e o uso da língua: fala, escrita e suas relações na aquisição da linguagem. Mesa redonda mediada por Giovane Fernandes Oliveira e apresentada por Lourenço Chacon, Marlete Sandra Diedrich e Gabriela Maria de Oliveira-Codinhoto [s.l., s.n], 2020. 1 vídeo (2h 01 min 35s). Publicado pelo canal da Associação Brasileira de Linguística. Disponível em: Acesso em: 17 jul 2020.

BENVENISTE, Emile. Problemas de Linguística Geral I. 5. ed. Campinas: Pontes, 2005.