Semiotic considerations about the Brazilian political crisis

Renan Ramires de Azevedo


The purpose of this review is to present the round table Brazil in crisis: semiotic challenges, broadcast on June 24, 2020 and organized by the Abralin Ao Vivo event. The table brings together proposals from discursive semiotics in order to discuss the political crisis experienced in Brazil since 2016. In this sense, researcher Regina Souza Gomes exposes the political crisis and its discursive effects on scientific practice, having as object of analysis publications on websites government. Researcher Luiza Helena Oliveira da Silva brings considerations about the testimony literature of subjects who experienced realities, in a way, close to the current crisis. And, finally, the researcher Mariana Luz Passos de Barros, who addressed the theme of torture from the point of view of the tortured - who suffers such an experience as a dysphoric event - and from the point of view of the torturer, who promotes, even today, an explicit campaign in favor of torture, delimiting new limits for such practice.

Full-text of the article is available for this locale: Português (Brasil).


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