The ‘Monumental History’ of two heroes: Linguistic Historiography

Michael Soares Silva


Had idea’s polarization been which become the Science an stimulating succeeding of evolutions, or do not the contradictory ideas be necessary to maintain an discipline in orbit and pluridimensional vigour? This, Cristina Altman defined be the science, extremely complexed by polarizations. The Conference, mentioned on cicle of ABRALIN AO VIVO 2020’s Conferences has the same title of MA course proffered in 2017 at Faculdade de Letras of USP: “A Guerra Fria Estruturalista”, which I was special pupil; therefore, I am must putting to this purpose composition. Neusa Bastos (prof. Doc at PUC/SP) made the conferencist’s presentation. The internacional relevance of Cristina Altman is not in exterior departures, however, specialy for reception on Brasil of Pierre Swiggers e David Ernst Frideryk Konrad Koerner, for example. The formation of that linguist has primacy for Linguistic Historiography, which it is center “A Guerra Fria Estruturalista”.

Full-text of the article is available for this locale: Português (Brasil).


A Guerra Fria Estruturalista. Conferência apresentada por Maria Cristina Fernandes Salles Altman [S.1. s.n.] 2020. 1 vídeo (1h 51min 45s). Publicado pelo Canal da Associação Brasileira de Linguística. Disponível em: Acesso em: 12 jun. 2020.

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