Multiple views and perspectives in language and cognition

Sabrine Amaral Martins Townsend


Professors Heronides Moura, Rosângela Gabriel and Paulo Roberto Gonçalves-Segundo debate theoretically and practically their research projects on language and cognition. In summary, the researchers present important data on: 1) metaphorical sentences about corruption in a newspaper corpus, 2) effects of learning to read on memory and perception, and 3) analysis of conceptual spaces in excerpts of speeches by parliamentarians in favor of military intervention. From the three expositions, it is possible to conclude that the process that underlies these researches on cognition is the need for a critical reading of reality. The understanding of the described phenomena (or the lack of it) significantly implies the legitimation of discourses repudiated by scientific institutions and associations, such as hate and impunity ones. In addition, the benefits of learning to read critically reinforce that the basis of a fair society is based on the quality of education and democracy.

Full-text of the article is available for this locale: Português (Brasil).


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