Tecnologia digital e educação: um olhar em tempos de pandemia

Alyssandra Viana Fonseca,
Letícia dos Santos Carvalho,
Nedja Lima de Lucena


The (non) use of Digital Information and Communication Technologies (DICT) in teaching has often debated topic in teacher training courses. In the context of the pandemic and social isolation, the use of DICT applied to teaching has received prominence, with different ways and non-consensual discussions. Therefore, we aim through this review to discuss and highlight some of the issues raised during the conference “Digital technology in a pandemic era”, which was performed by Professor Vera Menezes, who explained about the insertion of digital technology in society and the use of resources interactions available on Web 2.0 in education, before, during and post-pandemic.

Full-text of the article is available for this locale: Português (Brasil).


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