Discoursive subjectivization spaces: the functioning of authorship in self-biographical texts of the Analytical Psychology
This article proceeds to analyse the discoursive functioning of enunciation instances in self-biographical texts, based on Discourse analysis conceptual approach (MAINGUENEAU, 2016a). The aim of this paper is to investigate how the enunciative events of the corpus establish a subjectivization regime which inscribes images of authorship, considering the constitution of those images through the scenography that legitimates the enunciation. This study investigates the scenic construction of author images, in order to reaffirm the thesis that the enunciator engenders the conditions of its own enunciation. The corpus is composed by self-biographical texts written by the Analytical Psychology founder Carl Gustav Jung (1875-1961) – representing a specific positioning within a constitutive discourse. The analysis presented here demonstrates that in Jung’s Red book, the scenography underwrites the images of authorship and legitimates the individual speech as a research field, validated by a canonical “Work”.
Full-text of the article is available for this locale: Português (Brasil).
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