Mobile technologies and language learning a study on the development of oral skills in English: a study on the development of oral skills in English

Ronaldo Corrêa GOMES JUNIOR,


This article aims at presenting an overview of the academic production on the use of mobile digital technologies for the learning of foreign and additional languages, especially, of the development of oral skills in English. Using the "Google Scholar" tool, works from 2013 to 2017 were collected grouped into categories according to their objectives and academic genres. It was found that scientific production is no longer in early stages and presents broad approaches and several frameworks. Concerning the development of oral skills in English, it was possible to conclude that, although scarce, the studies point out several pedagogical contributions. However, there is the need to expand its horizons with a view to generating a more integrated and contextualized approach.

Full-text of the article is available for this locale: Português (Brasil).