The text proposes a critique of the notion of difference - and diversity - in language policy by considering a revision of Saussure's reflections on the concept of language. We consider the following aspects: (i) the notion of difference as constitutive of Saussure’s concept of language; (ii) the (supposed) tension between homogeneity and heterogeneity inscribed in this concept; (iii) the impossibility of a pure object. With these in mind, we reflect on the notion of diversity in Sociolinguistics and and Language Policy, making reference to the genealogy of these disciplinary fields and their fascination with diversity. Finally, we question the origins of this fascination in dialogue both with the role of diachrony in the constitution of the Saussurian object, and some proper names that place us in contact with the Jewish question.
Full-text of the article is available for this locale: Português (Brasil).
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