Genre-based language teaching in regular schools under a social semiotic approach: a possible proposal

Renato Caixeta da SILVA,
Sonia Rodrigues PEREIRA


This article presents arguments in favor of a possible proposal of mother and foreign language teaching, based on Systemic-Functional Linguistics, in a social semiotic view of language. Firstly, the most important assumptions and concepts of this language theory and the proposal of gender-based teaching defended by its adherents are shown. An analysis of guiding documents of language teaching in Brazil, which have been elaborated and published in recent years, is also presented, explaining how the ideas of this theory are present there, albeit in an unintentional way. The proposal of teaching genres is explained, as well as questions are presented as a contribution which can guide the teacher’s work in the application of this proposal. It is also argued about the need to explore the multimodal nature of texts, and the role of the teacher in this proposal is explained.

Full-text of the article is available for this locale: Português (Brasil).