The sense as a continuous coming to be: bakhtinian remarks on language and reality



In this paper, we intend to present the main bases of the proposition of dialogical theory regarding sense as coming to be, postulated, and still to be actualized in specific interactions, instead of given and actualized inside texts. The focus is that language serves the interactional needs of subjects, needs which are met in concrete situations of interaction. This implies a discussion of the relations between the language and concrete world according to Dialogical Analysis of Discourse (DAD), something which requires a description of how the dialogical theory conceives the appropriation of the world by subjects, the idea of the constitution of subjects by language via enunciation, the relationships between language and reality, created by means of discourse, as well as the social and historical conditions of enunciation, related to the very particular conception of ideology by DAD. For doing this, we used specially two vital works by authors of DAD.

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