Português: Português

Ricardo Nascimento ABREU


The Brazilian Constitution of 1988 inaugurates a new scene in the linguistic policies of the country's constitutional history, recording, for the first time, the existence of an official language to serve as an instrument of the state organization and to reinforce its status as a sovereign nation before international community. The political decision to raise the Portuguese to the status of official language was not followed by a process of legislative planning and the development of a political theory of linguistic rights in order to define the legal places of the other languages ​​that constitute the national multilingual reality. Thus, in addition to having in the country the existence of languages ​​without any legal status, that is, without any legal protection by the State, we also find, in all those languages ​​that have succeeded in obtaining state protection, a very confusing and, sometimes inhibiting the development of more robust policies of nationalization of languages. We aim to elucidate the circumstances that led to this scenario of extreme fragility in the classification guidelines of the legal statutes of languages ​​and then we will present some of the main processes of nationalization of languages ​​adopted after the promulgation of the "Citizen Constitution."

Full-text of the article is available for this locale: Português (Brasil).


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